Resource Center

Our Lady of the Road - Resource Center 

744 S. Main St. 

South Bend, IN 46601 

Resource Center by Appointment Only -- Talk with a Staff Member at the Breakfast shift for more info

The Our Lady of the Road Resource Center seeks to connect those on the margins with the needed resources and accompaniment to realize their own agency. A few computers and internet access allow us to address some of the barriers to moving towards security and stability as flourishing members of society. Common services we often help folks with at the Resource Center include but are not limited to: 

-Applying for COVID-19 economic stimulus relief 

-Filing for unemployment 

-Creating an email account 

-Registering for SNAP food stamps 

- ID/Driver’s License 


-Social Security 

-Housing applications 

-Job applications 

-Connecting with Oaklawn (mental health and addiction services, inpatient treatment, psychiatric services, therapy, care facilitation, skills training, PATH housing program, etc)  

Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Grant 

**St. Joseph County has completed their ERA Program, if you are in need of rental assistance contact the following organizations: Real Services, St. Vincent De Paul, Catholic Charities, and the Portage Township Trustee**